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    Return Policy

    We hope that you are happy with your purchase.

    Due to our products being handmade in small batches, we do not accept returns or exchanges. A product is eligible for a refund if any of the following apply:


    -The product is damaged upon delivery
    -The product is deemed defective at our discretion


    Damage upon delivery or defectiveness must be notified within 3 days of delivery. Contact us via email or through the contact page to arrange a refund.


    It is not abnormal for body butters to melt during transit in high temperatures. If your body butter arrives melted, place it in a cool area until it solidifies.


    We strive to create high performing, thoughtfully formulated products. However, if you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, please provide feedback and contact us through the contact page or via email. Arrangements to mitigate are at our discretion.

    DenaRay Essential

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